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  • The Friends of the Regional Pool Committee consists of a group of dedicated volunteers from multiple municipalities whose goal is to have a functional aquatic facility for the Upper Ottawa Valley communities 

  • Our goal is to raise $200 000 to support the City of Pembroke with the cost of  urgent pool repairs to allow the pool to reopen and continue to stay open. Additional monies raised will support a long-term goal of building a new aquatic facility when the lifespan of the present facility is exhausted

  • The committee has partnered with the Pembroke Petawawa District Community Foundation to ensure transparency and good fiscal management of donations and fundraising

  • The Pembroke Petawawa District Community Foundation is a registered charity. The charitable number is: 858125958 RR 0001

  • By working with the Community Foundation, there will be oversight of the funds, along with external accountability to support the utilization of any funds raised

  • The Friends of the Regional Pool raises its funds through hosting community events, seeking sponsorships and launching fundraising campaigns

  • Accomplishments: The Committee has played a role in securing a commitment from the City of Pembroke to repair the existing pool. The Committee has also successfully lobbied for support from some surrounding municipalities


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